Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Jason's mom

Connie, Jason's mom, sent Buttons a Halloween card. We better give her some grandkids soon, or Buttons might get presents for Christmas! The card was for a granddaughter! It also came with some recipes for doggie treats. Buttons was very appreciative.


Jaime said...

Ya, thats what my parents do for our cats. Santa Kitty also visits them if they are good too.

Calie said...

OH!? that dog is so cute she definitely deserves presents! LOTS of presents! I want to come back and hang out long enough for her to like me!

The Tani Family said...

What a cute dog! Babies are so much fun, but don't do it on a whim! Jack is the light of my life but I have never worked harder. Have a Merry Christmas!

Jaime said...

What's the deal? You haven't posted for a while, that means you better have some very exciting news, hint hint ;) Anyway I tagged you with a Christmas Tag, so don't be a scrooge & do it! Happy Holidays!