Tuesday, November 4, 2008


As many of you know, we have 2 parakeets and 2 lovebirds. There've been some requests for pics, so here you go. Most of them were taken in our apartment in Albany.
Mr and Mrs Nently.
This was the day we got them and we realized
they need their wings clipped, or they'd spend
the majority of their time on top of the ceiling

This is our beloved Angel. She's pure white (as
you can see) and our first addition.

Here she is on Easter.

So we've been letting the birds' wings grow in
and the two parakeets and Mrs Nently can fly
pretty well now, but Mr Nently doesn't have
any good flight feathers yet. So he fluttered to
the floor the other day and the other 3 were
watching him down there. Mrs Nently decides
to go join him, and eventually Angel follows.
Once Samson, our other parakeet (whom I
don't have a pic for yet), saw the coast was clear
he headed over to the lovebirds' cage to eat
their food. After awhile Angel gets bored and
flies back up to the cages. Mrs does the same,
and I thought Mr would too, but apparently he
can't. So I had to help him. Great adventures
were had by all!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Did the Easter Bunny come visit the birds?