So we went to FL a few weeks ago to visit Jason's mom. It was so nice to get away to the warmth for a few days! Jason's mom took us shopping and got me several things. Then Jason paid for his mom and I to each get a pedicure. The last time I had one was for my wedding, so it was a real treat. We went to the beach one day. The water was pretty nippy because it was only March, but I still went in up to my waist.
Jason's been wanting me to get a new suit for months, (for some reason he didn't like my old one. I thought it was fine) so when I was down there his mom bought me this one. Usually I wear shorts with a suit, because I feel too exposed otherwise, but this came with a little skirt on the bottoms, and it was just perfect. It was so nice to wear a suit and feel covered enough without having to add shorts or a wrap!

The water was so beautiful. It's amazing that it's such a different color from the water around here, namely the Hudson river!

This is the dog Jason's mom is fostering. Her name is Ebony and she's about 12 years old. She doesn't walk so well, so Jason's mom got her a dog stroller that she takes her everywhere in. Some of the stores even let her bring Ebony in them since she's so cute. Jason's mom hopes she never gets adopted, because she's gotten so attached to her.
FL was so nice. It was so nice to go on a vacation where we had very little planned. We slept in, we went for walks, we took naps and watched TV (a guilty pleasure since we don't have TV), and just generally relaxed. Thank you Connie for bringing us down there!