Sunday, October 12, 2008

Log Home Show

My dad has bought some property in WY that he and his wife plan on building on and retiring to eventually. They want to build a log home, so they've been going to log home shows to get info and ideas. I met up with them in PA for one such show. This is my dad and stepmom Freda.

They also had everything wooden you could possibly want to furnish your house with. The seat we're on was made from wagon wheels and wagon parts. They also some Amish people there selling real wood flooring, and another group selling things like chandeliers and chairs made out of antlers and wood.

Memorial Day

Our Stake has a picnic on Memorial Day each year and this year it was at a park in Schenectady. We bought a kite last year, but never had a good day to fly it. But on Memorial Day it was pretty windy, so we got some good air time with it. A friend took the pic. (And yes I know my latest posts are of past events, but I didn't start blogging until Aug!)

Jessica and Lucy

This is the daughter of some friends of ours. Her name is Lucy and she'll be 2 in Dec. This was at the wedding of another couple from our Branch a few months ago. (I'm a little late in getting the pics up.) Eventually we got up and started dancing. She's a great dancer! (Pay no attention to my double chin. It only shows up when I'm holding little kids or giving Jason my "Whatever" look.)